Authentic S€xuality

A pathless path to evolve the εrotic embodiment, connect love and sεxuality, and unfold our unique εrotic expression.

A Journey into Life Force, Heartful Aliveness & Creative Expression

Let’s dive deep into our sεxuality in a safe and trusted environment and peel off the many layers that limit our authentic sensual selves.

Rather than focus on techniques or skills, let’s create a container to explore εroticism as a group of curious, open-hearted individuals. Let’s support each other to be as we are, here and now, and allow our inner lover of life to unfold naturally.

Together, we create a space to express, experience, integrate, and transcend our authentic innocent sεxuality, revealing the potential for pleasure, creativity, and profoundly fulfilling intimate relationships. We playfully dive into our bodies and touch to explore and untangle blocks, patterns, and automation.

Immersion into intimacy

When we fully connect to our sεxual energy in freedom and trust, we experience pleasure, innocence, and the joy of life that brings healing. We feel at home; we sense we have arrived.
The perception of our sεxuality is often limited, suppressed, hidden, redirected, and conditioned by our culture, society, and traumatic experiences. When we disconnect our sεxuality from our hearts, we live in confusion, torn between our desires and self-control. The disconnection freezes our body and its natural innocent εroticism.
Sεxuality is a way to express our life force here and now through the gift of our incredible bodies. Limits and boundaries dissolve whenever people come together and recognise the miracle of their authentic sεxuality. When we break down the walls of fear, aversion, guilt, and shame and fully experience εroticism, we connect and thrive with other living beings.

A Sevenfold Journey

The series comprises seven distinct workshops, designed as a journey that goes deeper and deeper. You can join the complete journey or single workshops that you feel called towards.

Each workshop has a unique focus/theme, and we organised it around one εrotic aspect to mature the embodiment process through its natural phases. We will journey into grounding, emotional expression, power, love, communication, vision, and purpose.

Intimate container

When we bring awareness back into the depth of our body with its rich present-moment experience, and when we share this inner experience with others in all its colours, we allow ourselves to express our authentic sεxuality. We practice in a small group of individuals (up to 16 participants), where everything can unfold in a pathless path and all our workshops.

In all our practices, the group flows naturally together. We hold room for each other, allowing for precise and compassionate communication about our needs and boundaries.

The evening contains individual, paired, and group embodiment practices inspired by the modern somatic approach, authentic movement, sεxological bodywork, biodynamic breathwork for trauma release, traditional tantra, Taoism, and shamanism. We also hold a ritual where we flow, play, and put into practice what we’ve learned earlier. Finally, at the end of each workshop, we keep the space open for relaxation, unwinding, and integration.


€rotic Immanence

11th of February

We experience the deep roots of our sεxual essence to realise that it ultimately comes from within. We share practices intending to savour the present moment while at the same time being a witness to it. We practice abundance and belonging. In a trauma-informed way, we strive to accept fear as part of our human experience. Within the ritual, we dive into the pleasure of touching our body and being seen in the act of self-love.

€rotic Innocence

18th of March

We experience our authentic sεxual selves through emotional expression. We bring the unconscious and conscious into the present moment. We practice self-regulation of opening and closing our emotional channels and our raw sεxual energy. We meditate on the feeling of guilt stopping us from experiencing pleasure. During the ritual, we allow for unwinding as innocent beings during a naked ecstatic dance.

€rotic Power

20h of May

We experience true power arising from our sensuality, ultimately connected with being of service in the world. We practice opening the bridge between our pelvis and heart to allow the transformative union of raw sεxuality into loving relationships and creativity.  We learn how the energy of expressing anger can become a transformative power for our sεxuality. We compassionately notice where we feel shame about the right to act. During the ritual, we explore where we fear failing in a circle of fulfilled desires.

€rotic Intimacy

17th of June

We experience allowing the natural pulsation between sεxuality and love through our heartbeat and breath. We practice releasing the wounds of grief connected to our past and current relationships. We meditate on expanding the vision of what love is. During the ritual, we open ourselves to love and being loved in a heart temple to explore the union between intimacy and passion.

€rotic Expression

16th of September

We experience expressing sεxual needs, opening and closing, readiness to receive, and rejection. We practice releasing and listening to the sound of our voices. We uncover the art of playful seduction. We shed the lies we tell to ourselves and others. During the ritual, we use our bodies as instruments and tools to explore our archetypical parts in a creative and playful experiment.

€rotic Intuition

21st of October

We experience the wisdom of inner knowledge to see our sεxuality from the “bird’s-eye view”. We practice the art of decoding body and mind resonance, seeing our needs and trauma bonding structures, making conscious choices, and allow trusting our insight. We strive to witness patterns in our εroticism that sometimes create illusions. During the ritual, we use darkness and meditation for diving into our sεxual intuition.

€rotic Transcendence

18th of November

We experience sεxuality as a gate into a trance and state of wholeness, where we can break free of linear, causal perceptions of time and space. We practice an allowance to “step outside of ourselves” and return to the present moment with insights and healing. In the ritual, we attend a sensual breathwork ceremony accompanied by touch, evocative music, and drumming to open the possibility of going beyond who we are.

For self-reliant consensual beings

In these experiences, we are required to be already practiced in the understanding and expressing of our boundaries (at a previous Conscious Touch & Consent experience or equivalent), as well as respecting those of others. We engage with others slowly, we ask before touching, both non-verbally, and with words, especially when reaching out to groups that already interact.

We put our own care, health and well-being first. We pause regularly from interactions to check-in with ourself, notice if everything feels good, and decide to continue or end our current interactions. When needed, we move to the self-care zone to be alone, or ask for support from others.

On gender balance

In our experiences, we do not limit nor balance the representation of gender among our participants. We allow natural unfolding of the group participants. Every event might have a different gender ratio and different energy ratio (masculine, feminine, and neutral). We embrace all gender identities and body configurations.

For some of us, experiencing physical interaction with one particular gender might come more naturally than with others. We are invited to question our patterns, and approach touch outside the limits we define for ourself.

On nudity & sεxuality

Several workshops' content include invitations for nudity. This is always optional, and though we recommend to be comfortable with the idea of group nudity, we will never have to be nude if we don't want to.

The content of the workshops involve practices and exercises about sεxuality. We set and communicate  clear limits; some of which are specific to a unique workshop, while others are for the entire Journey.

We will communicate the complete list of boundaries for each workshop in the opening circle.

The importance of integration

The process in which we revisit, work through and make sense of the insights and content of our experiences  is called integration. We believe in making a sustainable change in our life.

An essential step for this is to find time and space to explore those experiences. We can either integrate by ourself by meditation, journaling, or creating art, or with others, our coach, therapist or close friends and loved ones.

For this, we can join the Integration Space: a container where we can share our insights from our experiences.

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Cloud has a space there where we can engage with each other, discuss,  share our journeys, ask each other questions, and more.

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