Authentic Sεxuality – €rotic Power
We experience true power arising from our sεnsuality, ultimately connected with being of service in the world. We practice opening the bridge between our pelvis and heart to allow the transformative union of raw sεxuality into loving relationships and creativity. We learn how the energy of expressing anger can become a transformative power for our sεxuality. We compassionately notice where we feel shame about the right to act. During the ritual, we explore where we fear failing in a circle of fulfilled desires.
11:00 to 17:00
(doors open 10:30)
What to bring
- Lunghi/Sarong/Pareo/towel to wear during some practices.
- Large cover/blanket/towel to sit/lie on.
- Food to share for the lunch break.
- Water bottle.
- (optional) Towel and toiletries if you wish to shower (only 1 shower available).
- (optional) Body lotion for massage – NOT oil based.
How much (flexible pricing)
- Early bird: CHF 160 to 320
- Late tickets: CHF 240 to 320
Why flexible pricing?
We wish for you to participate in a Cloud experience regardless of your financial situation. For this reason, we make our prices flexible. Please pick an amount according to your financial means. If the minimum value is still unaffordable, you can contact us.
Early bird tickets are only available for a limited time. We know sometimes you need time to make a decision, but as organisers, it's important for us to know early how many people will join. So please register as soon as possible.

- 11:00 Opening circle
- 11:30 Coming into the body
- 12:20 Group exercise
- 14:00 Lunch break
- 14:40 Ceremony
- 16:30 Closing circle
Terms of registration
- You must be 18 years of age or more to register to our events.
- Registrations to our events are binding.
- Tickets are transferrable to other eligible participants as long as the following terms are met:
- new participant agree to the terms of the event and they meet all the requirements of the event (e.g. prior attendance).
- you inform us of the full name and email address of the particpant.
- If you cancel up to one month prior to the event, you can be reimbursed 50% of your contribution minus credit card processing fees.
- If you cancel under one month prior to the event, you can be reimbursed 25% of your contribution minus credit card processing fees.
- Cancellations within 24 hours of the event, are not entitled to any reimbursement.
- No shows are not entitled to any reimbursement.
- If the event is cancelled by the organisers, you will be fully reimbursed. Any further claims are excluded.
- For cancellations, please contact us as soon as possible.
- Certain Cloud experiences have specific requirements for attendance, such as previous attendance of one of our events, or enough experience in the field we cover. Each event explains the requirements clearly on this page and in the Attendee form at Checkout. The facilitators reserve the right to exclude registered participants from their event that do not fit the specified requirements.
- Be punctual. Arrive at the venue early enough to prepare, change and be ready at the start of the event.
- Take responsibility for your safety and health. Do only things that are good for you. When you find things exciting, say Yes. It's ok to go outside your comfort zone as long as it feels right. It's also ok to change your mind, even in the middle of something.
- If a particular activity does not feel right for you, you are welcome to take a mindful observer role. We have a space dedicated for self care where you won't be disturbed. There, you can hold space for others with your presence. If you need further assistance, you can reach out to a host at any time.
- Say No or take a break if you feel overwhelmed. It's ok to not want something. It's ok to be undecided. It's ok to change your mind. No is never a wrong choice.
- Give others the freedom to say No and be thankful when you hear it. This is a sign of mutual trust and respect.
- Respect gender and orientation diversity. If you are unsure how to refer to a person, ask them.
- Feel into your heart and be compassionate towards others' choices.
- Please do not consume mind-altering substances before or during our experiences.
- Come to the experience showered and clean. We will have mints and deodorant available.
For self-reliant consensual beings
In these experiences, we are required to be already practiced in the understanding and expressing of our boundaries (at a previous Conscious Touch & Consent experience or equivalent), as well as respecting those of others. We engage with others slowly, we ask before touching, both non-verbally, and with words, especially when reaching out to groups that already interact.
We put our own care, health and well-being first. We pause regularly from interactions to check-in with ourself, notice if everything feels good, and decide to continue or end our current interactions. When needed, we move to the self-care zone to be alone, or ask for support from others.
On gender balance
In our experiences, we do not limit nor balance the representation of gender among our participants. We allow natural unfolding of the group participants. Every event might have a different gender ratio and different energy ratio (masculine, feminine, and neutral). We embrace all gender identities and body configurations.
For some of us, experiencing physical interaction with one particular gender might come more naturally than with others. We are invited to question our patterns, and approach touch outside the limits we define for ourself.
Note: we do not provide information on the registered participants of our events, including their gender.
On nudity & sεxuality
Several workshops' content include invitations for nudity. This is always optional, and though we recommend to be comfortable with the idea of group nudity, we will never have to be nude if we don't want to.
The content of the workshops involve practices and exercises about sεxuality. We set and communicate clear limits; some of which are specific to each workshop, while others are for the entire Journey.
We will communicate the complete list of boundaries for each workshop in the opening circle.
Upcoming Experiences
Get in Touch
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us and let us know.
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