Cloud experiences coming soon
More Cloud experiences are coming soon. If you don’t want to miss them when they’re announced, join our newsletter and our Telegram group (links below).
Welcome to a sεnsual new Temple experience, the Pillar of €ros. On this journey, we are invited to feel our €ros life force, and allow it to physically move us within the Temple.
We ask ourselves at what intensity is our energy: We feel our highs, seeking juicy connections, and our lows, asking for calmness. We let our bodies whisper to us how close to the pillar of €ros we want to be, and who we bring along. We notice how our energy transforms when interacting with others.
How can we extend our capacity for €ros? How can we practice to increase and hold high energy? Which limitations keep us in distance from pure bliss and εcstasy? Let’s dive deeper into energy play, and explore this space from a point of curiosity and courage, drop our masks, and let ourselves be met in our true desires.
Photos by Djamila Grossman
19:30 to 02:00
(doors open 18:30)
Zwinglishtrasse 40, 8004 Zürich
We wish for you to participate in a Cloud experience regardless of your financial situation. For this reason, we make our prices flexible. Please pick an amount according to your financial means. If the minimum value is still unaffordable, you can contact us.
Early bird tickets are only available for a limited time. We know sometimes you need time to make a decision, but as organisers, it's important for us to know early how many people will join. So please register as soon as possible.
Looks like we sold out. But we’re keeping a waitlist. Join it by contacting us below.
Out of stock
This Temple is a celebration of Life, Sεnsuality, Sεxuality and Love. Though sεxual acts are welcomed, there are no obligations for them to happen, only invitations to feel our sεnsual and sεxual selves, and explore our desires freely.
In this Temple, we come without expectation, only intentions. We are not here to hunt, or be seduced. We do not need to perform. We do not need to be “the best” version of ourselves. We do not fulfill any expectations. We do not come to meet others, but to meet ourselves.
In this space, we can simply Be. We show ourselves as we are, without fear of judgment, without comparison. And we accept each other with open hearts. We are self-responsible, we look after our well-being first. And we also care for our peers and offer them support if they wish for it.
This is an advanced Temple reserved for beings with significant experience in such spaces. We expect you have joined enough gatherings that include sεx-positivity. We assume you are aware of what makes you reactive, what challenges you, that you are familiar with your relational patterns, wounds and traumas. We trust that you know how to regulate yourself when you are triggered, and that you can ask for support if you need it.
In our Attendee form (at checkout), we ask you several questions to get an understanding of your experience. Please be aware we can refuse entry to any participant we feel is not ready.
What makes a Safe Space? At this Temple, our facilitators will hold the space, and can also participate. Angels are also available for support, and keep a watchful eye on the group. But it is our belief that ultimately, Safety can never be guaranteed. There can be times when you need support and not ask for it, and times when you want to say No but don’t.
We could create this Temple with as much safety as possible, and wrap all edges with pillows, but we also believe there is tremendous opportunity for growth and transformation in the unpleasant, the difficult and challenging. In this Temple, we invite you to take your seatbelts off, explore your Edges, and be comfortable with fucking up.
Our amazing DJs will accompany us on our sεnsual journey.
In these experiences, we are required to be already practiced in the understanding and expressing of our boundaries (at a previous Conscious Touch & Consent experience or equivalent), as well as respecting those of others. We engage with others slowly, we ask before touching, both non-verbally, and with words, especially when reaching out to groups that already interact.
We put our own care, health and well-being first. We pause regularly from interactions to check-in with ourself, notice if everything feels good, and decide to continue or end our current interactions. When needed, we move to the self-care zone to be alone, or ask for support from others.
In our experiences, we do not limit nor balance the representation of gender among our participants. We allow natural unfolding of the group participants. Every event might have a different gender ratio and different energy ratio (masculine, feminine, and neutral). We embrace all gender identities and body configurations.
For some of us, experiencing physical interaction with one particular gender might come more naturally than with others. We are invited to question our patterns, and approach touch outside the limits we define for ourself.
Note: we do not provide information on the registered participants of our events, including their gender.
Several workshops' content include invitations for nudity. This is always optional, and though we recommend to be comfortable with the idea of group nudity, we will never have to be nude if we don't want to.
The content of the workshops involve practices and exercises about sεxuality. We set and communicate clear limits; some of which are specific to each workshop, while others are for the entire Journey.
We will communicate the complete list of boundaries for each workshop in the opening circle.
If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us and let us know.
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Experience authentic, heart-opening connections through conscious touch and cuddles in a trusted circle of mindful beings.
Join our community where we announce all our events first, communicate special information and have spaces to share with each other.