Touch &
Be Touched


Experience authenticity, transformation and expansion through touch, embodied relating, and heart-opening connections in a trauma-informed trustful circle.

What is Cloud?

Cloud is a facilitated group of consent-informed, authentic individuals who explore relationships, aliveness, and expansion through embodiment with a focus on touch in all its forms.

At our events, we hold structured, trauma-informed spaces where we come together to be present and experience physical sensations, emotions, thoughts, and impulses. This embodied awareness allows us to unlock our basic relational capacities: connection, attunement, trust, autonomy, love & sexual intimacy. When we feel we belong we are open to aliveness – play, passion, learning, and self-expression. Creative aliveness is a fuel for our agency: purpose, and service to the world.

Through touch, we bond, we heal, we play, we learn, we grow, we transform, and we come in service.


Embodied in the here and now.

Touching yourself or others can bring both excitement and relaxation. During our experiences, we aspire to fully experience and witness physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts within our body, mind, and soul. This process is called embodiment.

Heal. Learn. Expand.

Together we practice a sense of ourselves and the resonance with others. We learn where our boundaries and needs are and how to regulate our system. During this process, we feel joy and pleasure and transform and expand.

Freedom and time to play.

We see life not as a continuous struggle for survival but as a natural pulsation between comfort and discomfort. We explore play, touch, sexuality, food, art, comfort, and aesthetics to support us in challenging times. We create a safe space to experience joy and pleasure.

Trust through Consent

Body ownership represents a fundamental aspect of our self-consciousness. Cloud’s core value is consent: permission for something to happen or agreement to do something. We co-create a safe space by sharing our vulnerability and communicating in a clear, warm-hearted, trauma-informed, and nonviolent way.

Cloud’s experiences always include the practice of consent. Our activities help us to notice our patterns, see where our boundaries are, how we communicate them, and how we ask for consent from others with a focus on using embodiment elements: touch, movement, sound, conscious emotional expression, and presence.

Ultimately, practicing consent at our events allows us to build trust and feel free to explore.


A beautiful space of connection. Felt welcome right away and I greatly enjoyed the warm and loving vibe that accompanied the super well organised event throughout. Went home with a very grounded heart and can't wait for next time. Highly recommended.

– Pascal

I am so thankful for this enriching experience. My love & desire for conscious touch, cuddles & flowing around in the space got fulfilled to their deepest. Whilst showing me even clearer where my struggles are - challenging me to overcome patterns and learning to feel and communicate my boundaries.

– Jana

My Cloud experience was just absolutely wonderful and amazing. I'm really impressed by the way Kasia and Alp held the space and were present without intruding. It feels like they took us by the hand and lead us softly and carefully throughout the evening by reassuring each and every one of us that we are okay, exactly the way we are. Their love for people and the wish to connect with them regardless of their background, values etc. was palpable. They really managed to create a safe space and a bubble for a lot of lovely people.

– Miriam

I've attended the Intro into Touch & Consent experience. There, I felt extremely safe, and managed to let go of prejudices and experience an authentic connection with the group. Kasia and Alp guide the evening in a professional, fun and enabling way. It feels amazing to be surrounded by caring and like minded people! I left with a sweet after taste and decided to spend a calm weekend by myself integrating this beautiful experience. Absolutely recommend!

– Emily

I feel grateful to you both for creating a safe space to share presence and conscious touch. Such an important human need, and such a simple, natural way to be together. I felt nourished, seen, more alive.

– Woman participant

Kasia and Alp create a field of trust and openness in which it is easy to relax into. As simple as it is, as powerful and nourishing is the touch. Thank you all of you for this heart and soul-warming evening!

– Chris

I had never done anything like it before and I was so nervous! But the great organization, the clear rules and the consent exercises helped me to relax enough to allow myself to try. And I'm so glad I did! I'm really proud of myself for trying something new, for pushing my boundaries and for opening up to other people. At the end of the evening, I felt seen, respected and curious to explore touch more.

– Jana

Kasia and Alp created a wonderful space of trust where people felt safe, and knew their boundaries would be respected. We all became part of an experience that took a bit of courage at first, but then rewarded us with an evening rich with generosity and heartfelt encounters.

– Simon

Safe space to explore oneself in contact with others. The hosts created a trusting environment which is absolute key to opening on a bodily level. Great cues in between to help oneself to always touch base within oneself. Thank you!

– K.


Conscious Touch & Consent

Connect with our bodies, explore our boundaries, learn about consent practices, and experience non-sexual & nourishing conscious touch.

Conscious Cuddle Jams

Freeform co-creative experiences of conscious touch and authentic connections in a safe space where we flow without goal.

Community Salon

Conversation, Connection and Community. Human beings come together for conversation, food and drinks in a relaxed atmosphere.

Authentic Sexuality

A pathless path to evolve the erotic embodiment, connect love and sexuality, and unfold our unique sexual expression.

Authentic Relating

Restore natural capacities of belonging, attunement, trust, and autonomy to experience what we all need: nourishing relationships.

Integration Space

A container where we can revisit, work through and make sense of the insights and content of our body experiences to make a sustainable change in our life.

Conscious Touch with Special Guests

In these experiences, we invite special guests who will enrich Cloud with their unique knowledge and experiences.

Private Sessions

If you want to privately practice some or all of the activities from our Cloud experiences, we can hold a space for you alone or with a partner. Please contact us with your specific request.

Cloud Experience at your Event

We can integrate a Cloud experience as part of your event, retreat, conference, etc. If you’re interested in hosting us, please get in touch and tell us more.



I am fascinated by the human body – our earthly home. The experience of self-touch and with another being has always been a way to connect and feel close, no matter where I was. Touch has also healed many of my wounds.

In my life’s journey, I support individuals and groups in reclaiming authenticity through a body-centered, nature-inspired process. In my interdisciplinary approach, I open a confidential experience space, where spiritual, emotional, and physical vulnerability is respected and protected. 

I facilitate somatic sexological and pelvis bodywork, Biodynamic Breathwork for Trauma Release, mindfulness. I am a keeper of the Rose lineage. I hold a Ph.D. in biomedicine and have more than 15 years in cell and tissue biology.

"To lose our connection with the body is to become spiritually homeless. Without an anchor we float aimlessly, battered by the winds and waves of life."

– Anodea Judith


If you ask my loved ones, they would agree that my primary love language is touch. When given the choice, I would always opt for a hug over a handshake, and I strive to be a heavenly cloud for those that welcome my embrace.

Even though I’ve always been a joyful and warm person, there were protective walls I’ve had to break down and pre-conceived ideas to unlearn. Through attending events and workshops focused on consent, sex-positivity, kink, bodywork, embodiment, tantra, yoga and meditation, I rediscovered myself, found power in authenticity and vulnerability. I’ve made connections with wonderful people and felt truly seen and accepted. With Cloud, I want to give back and share my own creative energy.

I am a transformational guide offering private sessions like coaching as well as transformation through eros. I also offer sessions for men who want to live a more authentic modern masculine.

"Repeat often: I make no judgments, I make no comparisons, and I delete my need to understand."

– Barbara Carrellas


Got another question not answered here? Contact us.

Do I have to participate in all activities?

Though we are encouraged to try everything, there is no obligation. Att all our experiences, we have a self care space where we can be on our own and either observe others, reflect in our own thoughts or meditate.

What if I don't want to be touched by someone or somewhere?

Then you don’t have to. We put a strong focus on consent as explained in our Visions above, and dedicate one or several activities to practice this and build a circle of trust. Anyone who does not adhere to our values of consent will be asked to leave.

I am a man, and don't feel comfortable touching and being touched by other men. Is that ok?

Yes it’s ok, and you never have to touch or be touched by men if that makes you uncomfortable.

We aim to have a balanced representation of genders at our experiences. Some activities require pairing you with another person. In those cases, you can try to pair with someone you are comfortable exploring touch with. In some cases, that might not be possible and we can’t guarantee an exact gender parity at every experience.

We, however, invite you to challenge your own patterns towards gender. Try to understand where they come from, and see if you can approach touch outside the limits you’ve defined. Be open to surprise yourself and learn something new. 

What kind of people attend Cloud experiences?

All sorts of people. Cloud experiences are diverse in both age and gender. Moreover, we aim to have a balanced representation of genders at each experience.

Are the participants naked during the experience?

It depends on the experience, but there is always a clear guidance on this. There is no nudity at our Intro to Conscious Touch & Consent and Conscious Touch & Cuddles experiences. The Conscious Touch & Sensuality experience may contain nudity during some of the activtiies.

Cloud Newsletter

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If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact us and let us know.

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Hand photo on magenta by NITISH GOSWAMI | Video by cottonbroCuddling women photo by Andrea Piacquadio | Hand photos on black by Jeff Hardi | Hands below sky photo by youssef naddam